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Hayei ha-YomYom be-Israel – Teacher Guide

Daily Life in Israel: Listening and Viewing Comprehension-Teacher Guide




The idea for Daily Life in Israel: Listening and Viewing Comprehension came from the author’s extensive experience as Hebrew educators, teaching all levels of proficiency and realizing the need for authentic materials for use at novice and intermediate levels. The project is intended for use mostly by novice and intermediate level students; however, advanced level students will benefit from it as well. Daily Life in Israel was created in order to help the student achieve two goals: (1) listening and viewing comprehension and (2) cultural comprehension.

The Teacher Guide and DVD offer activities to help the student develop the skill of listening and viewing comprehension. The varied activities include all the language skills and can be a model for teaching reading comprehension as well.

The authors understand the lack of time teachers have in their (heterogeneous) classes and therefore they include the DVD in the Student Workbook to allow the student to work independently outside of the class. The way activities were designed also helps the student to work independently. Students will use this book for at least 2 semesters.

The project is sponsored by the National Middle East Language Resource Center


Author: Ruth Ben-Yehuda Adler, Benjamin Hary
Published by:  Academon

pp. 247 / Book, Soft Cover


Weight 3 lbs


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