Author: Meira Ma’adia Published by: Meira Ma’adia ISBN: 978-965-7493-01-4 |
Pages: 248 Cover: Paperback |
is intended for beginning students of Hebrew in Ulpans,universities and schools. The book enables students to acquire thelanguage in an innovative, exciting and interesting manner and givesthe students good mastery of the basics of the Hebrew language.
The book includes interesting texts, conversations, songs, expressionsas well as a wide range of exercises on verbs and syntaxes. Texts dealin Jewish topics, Jewish tradition, the Land of Israel, Zionism, Hebrewliterature, education, art and the like.
Likewise, the book contains many various speech activities that helpthe student communicate better with his surroundings, such as: askingfor information, expressing amazement, complaints, blessings and goodwishes. The book portrays authentic material from every day life, suchas: announcements, questionnaires, invitations and maps.
At the end of the book there are summarizing exercises that include theentire verb system, accompanied by language exercises.
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