This verb tables book is an essential tool in providing learners the proper basics of the Hebrew language.Our primary objectivewas to create a high-quality product to help learners understand theprinciples of Hebrew verb construction and conjugation. Throughoutthe book, the letters comprising the verb root are printed in adifferent color, thus visually reinforcing the regularity and uniquestructure of each verb form in the seven verb groups (binyanim). Moreover, all verbs are printed with letters denoting vowel sounds (ke’tiv malei), as is common in contemporary Hebrew, as well as in the shortened vowelized (ke’tiv chaser) form. For both forms, the vowel marks are also printed, thus demonstrating our up-to-date approach.
Edit by: Shraga Assif
Published by: Prolog
pp. 96 / Book, Soft Cover
לוחות הפעלים – פרולוג
לוחות פעלים
Luchot Pealim
Luchot Hapealim
Luchot Ha’Pe’alim
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