Short story for the k-2 Grade.
For children that alreay started to learn how to read in Hebrew.
Processing: Mira Awen, Esther Broner
Illustration: Noam Nadav
Published by: Cet-Matach
pp.15 / Book/soft cover
ניצנים לתלמיד רמה ג – מעשה טוב כמו בסרטים
Nitzanim La’Talmid Rama Gimmel – Ma’Aseh Tov Kemo Ba’Sratim
Nizanim Latalmid Rama Gimmel – Maase Tov Kmo Basratim
Nizanim La’Talmid Rama Gimmel – Ma’Ase Tov Kemo Ba’Sratim
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